Creating space in Football

Creating Space in Football
Creating space in football is vital as you need to be in space to receive the ball off players from your
team. Creating space can be for either you to go into or space you’ve vacated so  the ball can be
placed there instead. These two types of space creating are very popular in today's game. Creating
space for yourself can be done by either asking for the ball in the space you’re already in or by
moving off an opponent to apart of the pitch where no one is. This is done so that you have time
and space when you receive the ball so that you’re not under pressure and so that you don’t end
up losing the ball to an opponent. Creating space for the ball to go into is done in a different manner
to creating space for yourself. For example to create space for the ball to be played into, the striker
can move to the right and pull the defender with him allowing space to the left of them to become
available so that the centre mid can play the ball through the space vacated to the winger allowing
the attack to build up towards the opponents goal.  


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