Tactics in Volleyball

Volleyball Tactics

Attacking tactics in volleyball - the serve and the spike in volleyball are two main attacking tactics
in volleyball. The serve is an important attacking shot because it’s the first shot of the point.
Therefore playing a good serve is vital because it then puts your opponents under pressure
from the start so that you can start with the upper hand. Also the spike is a great attacking shot/tactic
because it is a fast lethal shot that is played in a downwards motion. This shot is the last shot usually
that is playing in the rally and wins you the most points. If you still don’t win the point then it still puts
your opponents under pressure.

Defensive tactics - Blocking is a defensive tactic in volleyball, using the block is a good defensive
tactic because if you perform a well timed and effective block then it will diffuse the opponents attack.
The reason for the block is to stop the opponents spike from being complete and scoring the point.
The aim of the block is too jump up at the net just before the attack spikes the ball so that when they
connect with the ball the hands of the blocker are used as blockade so that the ball doesn’t go past
them into your own half.

Team Formations - In volleyball there are two very effective formations in the game. The first
effective formation is the ‘W’ formation in which the players the three defending players are set
out in a triangle formation with the middle defender as the tip of the triangle. The hitters are places
high and wide of the net so that they can receive the ball from the setter who is situated in the middle
of the attacking box so that he/she can set both hitters who are either side of him/her. The only
problem with this formation is that it leaves a lot of gaps on the court which can be exploited by your

The second main formation in volleyball is the ‘U’ formation. This formation is mainly a 3 by 3 formation which covers most areas of the pitch. The formation is very versatile as it is good in both attacking and defending situations. This is because the formation has three attackers and three defenders meaning that attack and defense is balanced throughout the game. The only downfall with this formation is that with the three defenders and the three attackers there is a massive gap between them both which the opponents can capitalise on.

The third formation is the slant formation. This is a formation where the defense is set up the same
way as it would be in the ‘W’ formation but the attack is set up very differently. The attack is set up
so that the setter is either on the right or the left hand side of the net so that the two hitters are in
front of him/her. This is so that the setter has both the hitters to aim at meaning the ball can be played
to either hitter depending on which one is in the best position. The only disadvantage of the formation
is that because the setter is on one side the opponents can set up a block because they know which
side the ball is going to be played each time.

The final formation is the block. The block formation is used when defending the spike of the
opponents. This is performed by the front three attackers coming together in a group so that they
act as a wall. This is used so that when the opponents spike the ball the three attackers jump acting
as the wall to try and stop the spike going past then and turn it into their own point.


Communication in volleyball is a key skill. Communication is vital when playing volleyball as you
need to know where everyone is on the court, as you don’t want to be moving into your own players
when playing. You also need communication when playing because you need to also know who’s
going for the ball. This is because if two people go for the ball at once and haven’t communicated
then you’re likely to collide and give the point away.

Movement is also a key skill in volleyball. This is because if you don’t move then you’re planted to
one stop on the court, this gives your team a massive disadvantage throughout the game. Movement
on the court is vital because it allows you to help teammates out who are in trouble and to also allows
you to make your own moves on the court that can help the team out. Movement also gives you the
chance to also build up pressure on your opponent's, it also allows you to soak up pressure as well
when your team is under the cosh.  


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